Clouds, clouds, and more clouds There are at least eleven kinds of clouds: cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus, altocumulus, altostratus, cumulonimbus, cumulus, nimbostratus, stratocumulus, small Cu, and stratus. But this article is not about those kinds of clouds. Of course there are other kinds of clouds, like iCloud, Google Cloud, Azure Cloud, Amazon Cloud, and the list goes on. But this article is not about those clouds either. This article is about text analytics . Clouds and Text Analytics The picture above was generated by R as a Word Cloud . It is equivalent to a frequency distribution (see Figure 1), where the size of the characters comprising a word corresponds to its frequency count, so that the word “icloud” occurs many times in the text, while the word “people” (inside the “d” in “icloud”) occurs less frequently. In Figure 1, “speed” occurs most frequently and is a key concept in flight dynamics, and in corresponding models. Figure 1. Frequency distrib...