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Project Management PERT

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  1. Certainly! If you have a specific topic or problem you want to address with MATLAB, I can provide a more tailored solution. Here, I'll provide a general example of MATLAB code that demonstrates predictive modeling and data visualization.

    Project Management PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is a statistical tool used in project management that helps in planning, scheduling, and coordinating tasks within a project. PERT is particularly useful for managing complex and uncertain projects, where task durations are not well-known.

    Key Concepts of PERT
    Activities and Events: In PERT, a project is broken down into a set of activities and events. An activity is a task that takes time and resources to complete, while an event marks the beginning or the end of one or more activities.

    Dependencies: Activities may have dependencies, meaning some tasks must be completed before others can start.

    Deep Learning Projects for Final Year

    Machine Learning Projects for Final Year

    Artificial Intelligence Projects For Final Year


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